A Prayer from the Official Question Writer

Published: Jun 29, 2013 by Kent Kloefkorn

Official Writer for the 2013 National Finals posted the following on Facebook. It’s a rare opportunity to hear from an official writer like this before Nationals, so we hope you enjoy his thoughts and prayers.

Lord, I pray for BQ Nationals 2013.

I pray for traveling mercies on all those coming to Chicago, whether by auto, bus, train, airplane, bicycle, tricycle, or by the least reliable form of transportation – the church van that was used last weekend by the Royal Rangers and not cleaned afterwards. Keep all the drivers sane, and may they all be able to find a suitable Country Music station.

I pray for Pastor Bernie and his wonderful wife Jeannie – may you give them a safe escape from the ‘burgh, and may Pastor Bernie remember it’s a BQ event and not a Youth Camp and thus not pack only shorts. Also allow him to stop at ten churches along the way to establish new BQ teams for next season. Seriously – they are such a blessing to our progr… uh, ministry. We truly love them.

I pray for the hotel staff, that they be understanding of our 30+ kids card games in the lobby, and that we be strong witnesses to them. Also please keep their elevators working - or if that’s too big of a miracle to perform - at least give us all rooms on Floors 2, 3, 4 & all the NE teams on 5.

I pray for each coach – that you give them patience, peace, patience, endurance, patience, a gentle spirit, and then more patience. May you give them a strong heart for their quizzers, and when they hear Green Three answer “Jesus”, may you calm them and give them insight into the fact that Green Three simply didn’t hear the introductory remark “Give a Complete Answer from Three Consecutive Verses” but instead is just seeking divine guidance. May you also give them wisdom in each of their 200+ contests not to mention the mental capacity of the officials.

I pray for the Officials – that they hear every word spoken and can follow along on their sheets. I pray they be in unity as they deny all contests. I also pray especially for the Quizmasters, that they don’t bleed (too much), and especially for the one quizmaster who shall remain nameless (although initials are Dr. JB) that he doesn’t skid. And I pray for Steve Fowler, that due to his Texas accent there is not a need for “interpretation” (It’s a Gospel year, not an Epistle year, so we haven’t studied that this year)

I pray for Abby and Jack of nym – that they have the patience to deal with everyone asking the same questions over and over and over. May their petty cash be balanced, their extension cords returned, and no one asking for Banquet tickets Thursday afternoon.

I pray for Robert Carter and his wonderful mother as they keep up with the stats each day. As the Lord taught us how to pray – please give Ginny her daily cookies, so she can in turn bless all of us.

I pray for the Mullin’s clan, that as they bless us with their great pictures and products, you bless them with at least 3 hours of sleep each night. That seems to be all they need – well, and lots of caffeine.

I pray for each quizzer, that you help them turn their anxiety and nervousness into a sharp, keen focus… or at least help them not to throw up. During confers may they remember to love their fellow quizzers and only speak kind, encouraging words even though they’re raging in their spirit wondering if hitting after the words “what happened” within a Scripture Text question was really the wisest interruption point. May they hear every question they studied for, and none that they didn’t prep for (yeah, like that’s going to happen… . Please do bring back to remembrance everything they have studied, especially all 28 chapters of Matthew, along with 122 pages of concordance, 940+ unique words, 8,000 individuals, and every question that was exclaimed by sneezing Pharisees. Bless them, Lord, and don’t let any 30s be asked after question #18.

Bless the quizzers in the Individual Tournament. Also bless (check one – [ ] Abby [ ] Daniel ) as they win the Quoting Bee this year.

Lord, I pray especially for the Official Question Writer, whoever they may be. I thank you that you led them by your Spirit through each and every question that was prepared – that it all came from your Holy Word and therefore should not be contested even though a few were written very, very late at night and might have slipped past the editor. May truly every who be a who, every whom a whom, and every what a what. May the guy be able to actually count correctly this year on all Chapter Analysis answers. And may your guardian angels protect him at all times, including any unforeseen Wednesday fellowship event that Jason may have planned.

And Lord, finally, bless those girl volleyball players - wherever they are – as long as they’re not again at the same hotel with us – Please Lord!
